How Balance, Hearing, Ear Wax and Hearing Aids Fit Together
Published October 31, 2022
How it fits together. We pride ourselves on being a “full scope” practice. By that we mean we perform virtually all the functions an audiology/hearing aid dispensing practice could encompass. Fully diagnostic, we perform evaluations that include outer ear, middle ear, inner ear, ear wax, tinnitus...
Hearing Conservation Through Partnership With Musicians
Published September 26, 2022
Most audiologists will agree that musicians are not like other patients. Clinical encounters with musicians are often and affectionately described as challenging, with the potential to be highly rewarding. Musicians often push our understanding of sound and hearing to the limits, not because they ar...
Greece Hearing Center Opens Brighton Office
Published September 26, 2022
Clear Choice Hearing and Balance, an audiology practice specializing in tinnitus and other hearing and imbalance disorders, recently opened a new office in Westfall Surgery Center, 1065 Senator Keating Blvd., Rochester.The hearing center expanded to Brighton to meet the growing demands of hearing lo...
CDC Study: 1 in 4 US Adults Who Report Good Hearing Already Have Hearing Loss
Published September 26, 2022
According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (February 7, 2017), 1 out of 4 US adults who report excellent to good hearing already have hearing damage. The new CDC Vital Signs report by Yulia Carroll, MD, PhD and colleagues finds that many of...
Hearing Loss Costs Far More Than Ability to Hear
Published September 26, 2022
Mark Hammel’s hearing was damaged in his 20s by machine gun fire when he served in the Israeli Army. But not until decades later, at 57, did he receive his first hearing aids. “It was very joyful, but also very sad when I contemplated how much I had missed all those years,” Dr. Hammel, a psycholo...
Study Shows That Hearing Aids Improve Brain Function
Published September 26, 2022
According to a recent study by Jamie Desjardins, PhD, an assistant professor in the speech-language pathology program at The University of Texas at El Paso, hearing aids improve brain function in people with hearing loss. It is known that hearing loss if left untreated, can lead to emotional and...
How to use audiobooks for hearing rehab
Published September 26, 2022
Do you ever listen to audiobooks? The form of storytelling can be also very beneficial for hearing rehab. Oral storytelling is one of the most ancient art forms. Stories have been passed on by word of mouth to entertain, educate and inform from generation to generation, long before recorded histo...
How To Talk To Your Grandchildren About Hearing Loss
Published September 26, 2022
You love your grandchildren — their smiles, the way they look like their parents did when they were young, and their exuberance — but sometimes, they are very hard to hear. Children have a way of swallowing their words, or slurring them together, and typically have softer and higher-pitched voices....
Why is Hearing Loss a Public Health Concern?
Published June 26, 2022
Question: People do not die from hearing loss, so why should it be added to the list of public health concerns like tobacco use and obesity? Answer: Because hearing loss is highly prevalent, with numerous associated health risks that burden affected individuals, their family, and their community....
Managing Earwax
Published April 22, 2022
A recent hot topic in our field is ear wax. What is this mysterious substance? Is it normal? How do we manage it? Our ear canals provide a path for sound to reach our eardrums. This is how we receive sounds. Anything that could block this pathway can make it harder to hear. It can also cause our...