Strategies to preserve your hearing

Published July 5, 2016

Simple strategies to preserve your hearing Many activities we enjoy or perform while working are known to be dangerous to the organs of hearing. These organs are located in the inner ear (cochlea) and are easily damaged by exposure to noise of sufficient loudness and duration. Countless patients...

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Many causes of dizziness

Published March 3, 2016

Because we specialize in disorders of hearing, balance and dizziness, we see many patients with a variety of symptoms. Many have difficulty hearing, some are bothered by noises in their ears (tinnitus), some suffer disruptive dizziness, and some report poor balance. Earlier blog articles have explor...

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Acquired hearing loss

Published January 11, 2016

Born deaf vs acquired hearing loss Those of us who deal with the ears and hearing impairment often make distinctions based on the onset of a patient’s hearing loss. There are many patients who gradually lose their hearing, due to heredity, noise exposure, aging or other factors. Some lose function...

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Cancer treatments and hearing loss

Published November 16, 2015

Receiving a diagnosis of cancer is a life-changing experience. Fear and uncertainty are natural reactions, with complex plans for treatment following extensive diagnostic work. Treatments can be highly aggressive, ranging from surgery to radiation to chemotherapy. A patient’s options may produce lif...

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Diabetes and hearing loss

Published October 23, 2015

A hearing loss/diabetes link Hearing loss has long been associated with many health problems or diseases. These conditions may directly cause ear damage, such as in labyrinthitis, rubella, middle ear infection and others. In some cases the treatment itself may affect ear function, such as chemoth...

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Sudden hearing loss – don’t wait

Published October 21, 2015

Sudden hearing loss It is well known among hearing healthcare practitioners that the average person waits seven years between the first suspicion of a hearing problem and a first trip to an audiologist. This is partly due to the insidious nature of typical hearing loss. It “sneaks up on you” and...

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Recognizing the hearing-tinnitus connection

Published August 28, 2015

The hearing-tinnitus connection and positive implications for patients. Several times in a typical week patients will say during the course of an office visit, “I don’t really hear my tinnitus when I have my hearing aids on”. These patients are among the majority of tinnitus patients who have sig...

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Presentation at the Village at Unity

Published August 8, 2015

On Wednesday, June 3, we visited The Village at Unity, an excellent senior living facility in Greece. Over thirty residents joined us for our presentation “Balance, your ears and hearing”. Balance problems and dizziness are very common complaints to physicians among seniors. Our focus was educating...

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Hearing and balance are related!

Published August 5, 2015

It has been said that the inner ear is a balance organ first, a hearing organ second. The snail-shaped inner ear is divided into the cochlea at one end and the utricle, saccule, and semicircular canals at the other. The cochlea contains the hearing organs. The other structures house the organs of ba...

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Epley Maneuver in the spotlight

Published July 2, 2015

The recently televised 2015 US Open golf tournament brought with it the usual drama of great players, a difficult course, golfers who played well but faded, and others who persevered and won and spectacular shots. This year’s tournament, however, featured another kind of drama that was televised int...

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